Ready to feel more empowered in ALL of your relationships?
Join me for:

Victimless Mothering

Own Your Self to end the cycles of pain in your mother line. An intimate online 3-Day Deep Dive to help you feel more confident as a parent.

Get ready to change the resonant frequency of every aspect of your life, beginning with your home.

get the replays

Recognize the power of your intuition, reclaim your voice, and rekindle your relationships with your children and Your Self. (Even if you haven't yet become a mother.)

There's nothing more challenging than knowing better and feeling like you can't do beTTER.

Yelling at your child to stop yelling…
Using time outs for your basic sanity…

Saying things like:

“No one gets what they want all the time” or “you better listen to me” or “You don’t show me enough respect!” or "You’re so ungrateful” just like your parents did…

Locking horns, silent treatment, and blame games…

You may be asking yourself (on the regular) why does it have to be this hard? Isn't there a better way?
Yes, darling. There is.

Now is the moment to end the cycles that your mother-line handed down to you and your children. Because, we all know, how you show up with your family reflects how you show up in all of your relationships.


The Insidiously Ugly Patterns We’re Here to Break:

The motherwound is real. It affects us all. Regardless of gender.

And when you recognize the patterns of your wounding, you expose your victim consciousness to the light of your awareness and claim the gifts waiting for you behind the wall of shame.


How to Break Them:

Whether you've been parenting for decades or are just starting your journey from maiden to motherhood - you'll get the tools you need to choose differently.

So you can co-create unconditional, sovereign love between yourself, your children, and all of the people that matter in your life.


Q+A Societal structures have set us up to experience a major gaslight:

that we should feel "ok" while isolated, in modular family homes, as single parents, raising our kids on "playdates," instead of community.

It's time for us to heal our collective motherwound together.

Who is this for and what you'll get

Who is this for
🌊 Women dedicated to ending cycles of abuse and trauma in their lineage
🌊Mothers (and loved ones of mothers) who are struggling
🌊 Anyone wishing to translate self-love, mindfulness, or relational skills into the space of parenting
🌊 Mothers who find their children triggering, difficult, and overwhelming
🌊 Anyone with lingering emotions related to how their mothers showed up (or didn't show up) in their lives

What you'll get
🌊 The tools to accept, approve of, and forgive yourself
🌊 A deep understanding of the drivers of toxic mothering
🌊 Essential directives for regaining self-possession in the space of mothering
🌊 Why sacred selfishness is the only way to parent this generation out of victimhood
🌊 My tips and tools for partnering with my children in non-authoritarian parenting
🌊 Why I walked away from Waldorf education for my kiddos

You'll Discover
🌊 What you're still carrying from your family. And what do you have the opportunity to alchemize and transmute?
🌊 The father wound, mother wound, and how to bring yourself back into balance
🌊 The greatest gift you can give to your children. Hint: it's also a gift that you can give to You.
🌊 How to address damaging statements ranging from "You should be grateful" to "You can't always get what you want!"
🌊 And so much more!


Empower your mothering style


  • Access to the 3-day transmission with Kelly

  • Claim space for empowered mothering with tangible,
    relationship-enhancing tools

  • Cultivate healing not just for yourself, but for your entire lineage


Please note that this is a non-refundable investment. If you have any questions before joining, please reach out to us prior.

The path out of victim consciousness as a parent starts here

  • Whether or not you're a mother, learning how to hold space for your Self and your loved ones in an empowered way is essential.

    Especially if you often find yourself in the role of care-taker, or holding space for others. So you can choose to not act out of programming, habit, or ancestral patterning – but out of embodied selfhood.

    Learn how to heal from your family's patterns of pain and trauma (which are both bigger than your story AND specific to your story, beautiful human).

    Doesn’t it feel good to imagine a world where there’s no manipulation, strategy, curation, or mind-reading involved in human relationships?

    Because everyone knows what they need, asks for it, and takes responsibility for their experience?

    We can create this together.
    It all starts right here.

What people are saying about  LIVE Deep Dives with yours truly:

Meet Holistic Psychiatrist

Brogan, md

KELLY BROGAN, MD, is a holistic psychiatrist, author of the New York Times Bestselling book, A Mind of Your Own, Own Your Self, the children’s book, A Time For Rain, and co-editor of the landmark textbook Integrative Therapies for Depression. She is the founder of the online healing program Vital Mind Reset, and the membership community, Vital Life Project. She completed her psychiatric training and fellowship at NYU Medical Center after graduating from Cornell University Medical College, and has a B.S. from M.I.T. in Systems Neuroscience. She is specialized in a root-cause resolution approach to psychiatric syndromes and symptoms.